Property & Casualty Coverage
General Liability
Amusement Devices | Funeral Directors |
Apartment Homes | Golf Courses – Municipal or Public |
Asbestos Abatement | Golf Driving Ranges |
Athletic or Sports contests | Grading of Land |
Auctioneer Livestock Sales Companies | Grandstand or Bleachers |
Auto Dismantling | Halls |
Auto Parking Areas | Health Salons |
Automobile Racing | Hotels/ Motels |
Baseball Parks | Junk Dealers |
Batting Cages | KiddieLands |
Baths | Landscape Gardening |
Beauty Parlors | Liquor Liability |
Billiard Halls | Logging and Lumbering Equipment |
Boat Yards | Masonry |
Bowling Alleys | Millwright Work |
Building Moving | Mobile Home Parks or Courts |
Buildings – Lessor’s Risks | Motion Picture Theaters |
Camps | Painting (Steel Structures or Bridges) |
Carnivals | Pile Driving |
Carpentry | Plastering |
Caterers | Plumbing |
Caves | Quarries |
Cement, Concrete, Etc. | Racing, Spectator Liability Go-Carts |
Churches | Refreshment Stands |
Cleaning or Renovating Outside Surface | Restaurants, Bars, Tavern |
of Buildings | Small Roofers |
Clubs (All Types) | Sand or Gravel Digging |
Coal Merchants | Schools, Parks or Playgrounds |
Coin Operated Devices | Sewer Construction |
Computer Technologies | Sheet Work |
Contractors Equipment, Rented or Others | Stadiums |
Dance Halls | Stockyards |
Dancing Schools | Stores (All types) |
Day Nurseries ( Including Prof. Liab. | Swimming Pools Installation |
and Sexual Abuse) | Theaters |
Detective – Patrol – Security Agencies | Tree Pruning – Spraying – Repairing |
Door, Door Frame or Sash Erection | Tree Trimming or Fumigating |
Dwellings | Truckman |
Elevator Erection or Repair | Umbrella and Excess Liability Form |
Excavation (Including XCU) | Vacant Buildings |
Excersise Studios | Vending Machines |
Exhibitions of All Types | Welding |
Exterminating | Window Cleaning |
Fairs | Wrecking Companies |
Fire Suppression |
Professional, Errors and Omissions Liability (Primary or Excess)
Accountant and CPA | Jazzercise |
Ambulance Attendants | Ministers |
Architects/ Engineers | Nursing Homes |
Barber Shops | Paramedics |
Beauty Parlors | Police & Law Enforcement |
Broadcasters | Public Officials |
Collection Agents | Real Estate Agents |
Counselors | Tanning Salons |
Data Processing | Telephone Services |
EPL | Transcribers |
Health Clubs | Translators |
Inspection Services | Volunteer Fireman |
Insurance Agents | Other Miscellaneous Risks |
Directors and Officers
Profit/Non-Profit Corporations
Products/Completed Operations
Manufacturing Risks Contractors
Umbrella and Excess
Primary Umbrella Excess Umbrella Following Form Excess